A00006 - The Blackbird of Cordoba

Early this week, I read about the amazing career in the short life of Virgil Abloh


In a rare existence, Mr. Abloh, an African American, appears to have greatly impacted the fashion industry beyond all expectations.

By coincidence, this week, I came to read about the court of 'Abd ar-Rahman II in ninth century Islamic Iberia.  One of the key persons in the court was Ziryab -- the "Blackbird" of Cordoba.  I encourage all to read about the life and career of Ziryab at 

and to contemplate how much of a cultural influence this "black" man has exerted on Western civilization for the last 1200 years ... and continues to exert to this day.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
December 2, 2021


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