A00019 - The Ghosts of Nicodemus

On Monday, February 7, 2022, the PBS Newshour had a segment on the town of Nicodemus, Kansas


The purpose of the segment was to highlight how the black farming community of Nicodemus has seen an erosion of black ownership of the farms.  From being almost all black owned farms, today only 10 percent of the farmland is owned by black farmers.

The PBS Newshour segment was not news for those of us who have followed the demise of black farms... and black towns.  However, for me, what was particularly haunting was memories of Nicodemus as being the home of the Buffalo Soldiers


During this Black History Month, it is perhaps appropriate to remember the great contribution of the Buffalo Soldiers to American history


and to be thankful to the pioneers of Nicodemus who helped to make a memory great



Everett Jenkins
Fairfield, California
February 8, 2022


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