A00034 - The Ukrainian Connection


As most of you know, one of the highlights of my life has been my discovery of my Canadian heritage.  Indeed, one of the most startling revelations came in 2009 when I attended the Centennial Celebration for the founding of Amber Valley.  One the startling revelations was that the celebration was not just attended by the black descendants of the founding fathers of the town, but also by many white folks from the surrounding farmland areas.  It was a rather startling surprise for me to be attending a purely country and western gathering on Saturday night only to be followed by down home gospel gathering the next Sunday morning.  It was apparent to me that the black and white farmers in the area surrounding Amber Valley had grown comfortable with each other and with each other's cultures.

I was curious as to why this should be and I was informed that many of the neighboring farmers were Ukrainian immigrants who arrived in the area around the same time as the Amber Valley folks and who were escaping persecutions of their own.  Like the black Americans, the Ukrainians had traveled to Canada because of the lure of cheap land ... and a fresh start. Unlike the whites who grew up in the environment of racism that existed in the United States, these Ukrainian immigrants harbored few prejudices or preconceived notions about the black farmers who also struggled to farm the land.  Indeed, in their similar struggles to survive, these neighbors often had to rely on each other ... and this reliance created a bond of community that obviously would span one hundred years.

We do not pay much attention to the history of our neighbors to the north.  However, it is helpful to know that the third largest concentrations of Ukrainians in the world is in Canada.

and that a significant (double digit) percentage of much of Alberta is comprised of people of Ukrainian descent


Indeed, the greatest hockey player of all-time, Wayne Gretzky, happens to be of Ukrainian heritage.

I know it may not be much, but I too follow with interest what is occurring in Ukraine.  And just as my forefathers relied upon their Ukrainian neighbors to improve their lands, so too do I support the American people doing what we can to help the Ukrainian people restore their land.


Everett Jenkins
Fairfield, California
March 27, 2022

P.S.  You can find an interesting history about the Amber Valley (Athabasca) region at 

P.P.S  The 2009 Athabasca Country "Stamp Ground" brochure has a unique calendar of events for 2009.  In addition to the Historic Amber Valley 100th Anniversary scheduled for July 3-5, there is also the Ukrainian Folk Dance Club Family Night scheduled for January 24, the Grassland Ukrainian Night on February 7, the Snowmobile Poker Rally - 140 miles on February 14, the Figure Skating Carnival on March 14, the Amber Valley Chicken Supper on April 25, the Boyle Rodeo on July 18-19, and the Whispering Hills Fiddle Contest on September 5 & 6 -- cultural events for a wide variety of tastes. 


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