A00049 - Jim Seals' Diamond Girl

Those who took the trouble to read the New York Times obituary for Jim Seals will have read that his wife Ruby Jean survives her husband.  What you may not be aware of is that Ruby Jean is African American and that she and Jim Seals have been married for 52 years. I first became aware of their marriage in the early 1970s and I thought it was one of the more beautiful love stories of the time.  Some of their story can be found in this Sun news article


but another part of their story can be found in the lyrics of the songs that Seals & Croft wrote and sang.  If you listened to Summer Breeze you can see Ruby Jean there and if you listen to this next song you can see Ruby Jean there as well.

A Diamond Girl, indeed.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California 
June 10, 2022


A wave of nostalgia and sadness washed over me today after reading about the passing of Jim Seals

and recalling so profoundly the memories associated with his signature song from a summer from half a century ago.

Ahhh, time flies .... but thank God some memories do remain.Blush


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
June 7, 2022


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