A00053 - June 2022 Must See TV: PBS: Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness


This email serves as a reminder that Hiding in Plain Sight airs tonight.  This film is a personal one for Ken Burns.  As he mentioned in tonight's PBS Newshour, he experienced his own mental illness issues during his youth in association with the long term illness and subsequent death of his mother.  For the edification of all, it would be beneficial to watch "Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness".


Everett Jenkins
Class of 1975
June 27, 2022

-----Original Message-----
From: skipjen2865@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2022 5:23 am
Subject: NAMI Convention 2022 and June 2022 Must See TV: PBS; Hiding in Plain Sight; Youth Mental Illness

In connection with the ongoing gun violence epidemic that has beset the land, some have wanted to link the gun violence epidemic to the mental illness epidemic that also plagues the land.  Sadly, those who are experts regarding mental illness are skeptical of this connection   


Nevertheless, since the issue of the prevalence of mental illness has arisen, if one is truly interested in the issue one may begin to find some answers at the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Convention that will be taking place next week 


If it is conducted like last year's convention, you can attend virtually and by doing so you will be granted access to the recorded sessions for the rest of the calendar year.  It may be much to ask, but given the implications of mental illness being the cause of gun violence and homelessness, it should behoove us all to learn more about this important issue.

Finally, later in June, a Ken Burns produced film will air on PBS that also addresses the issue of youth mental illness.  It is entitled "Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness" and, in typical Ken Burns fashion, should prove to be enlightening to us all.



Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Class of 1975


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