A00073 - The Legacy of Gandhi Revisited

Vicki and Bob,

Thank you both for your thoughtful comments.  Bob, I especially appreciate your reference to the Guardian article calling for a reassessment of the historical legacy of Gandhi

and the detailed Dalit (Untouchable) opposition to the seeming deification of Gandhi that has permeated Western culture 

Both articles have indeed caused me to reassess the legacy of Gandhi.  This is especially difficult because Gandhi influenced three people whose birthdays are also remembrance days on my Amherst College calendar.  Gandhi influenced Nelson Mandela 

Gandhi influenced Martin Luther King, Jr.

and Gandhi influenced Cesar Chavez

How does one accurately assess the global historical legacy of such a man when rendered from these more recent eyes?

I do not know the answer to this question, but I hope to explore it more in the Gandhi Remembrance Days that are still to come.

Peace to you both, ... and Peace to All,,

Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California 
October 3, 2022


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