A00075 - Jews for Justice, Jews for Palestine

For those may assert that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism of an act of cultural appropriation with regards to opposition to the State of Israel's land grab policy, I offer the following:

Thank you for your comments. However, any accusation about anti-Semitism being the foundation of the opposition to Israel's land grab policy is just wrong.  Please see the following links that clearly demonstrate that it is Jews themselves who have taken prominent roles in the anti-apartheid movement concerning Israel. 



From what I have observed, it is concerned and informed Jews in Israel, in England, in Europe, and in the United States that have accused the Israeli government of perpetuating an apartheid.  If there is complaint of anti-Semitism or cultural appropriation that is to be lodged, then perhaps it ironically must be lodged against these groups and individuals first.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California 
October 8, 2022


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