A00077 - November 2022 Book of the Month: Trouble in the Tribe


On the Tuesday, October 18, 2022, PBS Newshour, Dov Waxman was interviewed concerning the perceived rise in anti-semitism in American discourse.  

I found Mr. Waxman to be a rather articulate source on the subject matter and, after reading his Wikipedia profile, I became intrigued by a couple of the titles of his books.  

Accordingly, based on previous posts, I find myself drawn to reading  Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict over Israel


Trouble in the Tribe will be my November 2022 Book of the Month. You are welcome to read the book along with me.  I think it will be enlightening for us all.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
October 19, 2022 


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