A00093 - Book of the Month for November 2022: Trouble in the Tribe: The Four Camps in the American Jewish Debate

Before leaving Trouble in the Tribe, I did want to leave with this chart.  Much like the Mendel chart of elementary genetics, one finds that most people or groups are not monolithic but rather that they abide by a Mendelian type chart expressing a range of traits.  Below is a chart from the book Trouble in the Tribe that depicts a Mendelian like division of the American Jewish community over the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.  I suggest that you review the chart and determine for yourself the group that best abides by the Golden Rule enunciated by Moses and furthered by Hillel and Akiba.  Once that determination has been made, then you will be able to best determine which Jewish groups you should support.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
December 2, 2022


The Four Camps in the American Jewish Debate About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Left Camp
Zionism?: Bad/Hijacked/Outdated
Who Is At Fault?: Israel
Two State Solution?: Acceptable, but not realistic nor preferable
Public Jewish Criticism of Israel?: Yes
External Pressure on Israel?: Yes, including BDS

Center-Left Camp
Zionism?: Good, as long as it's liberal
Who Is At Fault?: Both Israel and Palestinians 
Two State Solution?: Essential and urgently needed
Public Jewish Criticism of Israel?: Yes
External Pressure on Israel?: Yes, but only diplomatic

Center-Right Camp
Zionism?: Good
Who Is At Fault?: Palestinians
Two State Solution?:  Desirable, but not right now
Public Jewish Criticism of Israel?: No
External Pressure on Israel?: No

Right Camp
Zionism?: Good
Who Is At Fault?: Palestinians
Two State Solution?: Dangerous and/or wrong
Public Jewish Criticism of Israel?: Yes, but only right-wing criticism
External Pressure on Israel?: No


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