A00148 - A Surprising Connection to Our American Soul
I rarely pay attention to the passing of obscure military figures. However, for some reason, the passing of Billy Waugh caught my eye https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/14/world/asia/billy-waugh-dead.html I got halfway through the obituary when I came to this passage He was saved by two soldiers, one of them his commander, Capt. Paris Davis. Despite his own gunshot wounds, to an arm and a leg, Captain Davis helped Mr. Waugh crawl to a helicopter. Those actions by Captain Davis earned him the Medal of Honor, which was belatedly presented to him by President Biden in 2021 . Mr. Waugh received the Silver Star. and the link contained within the passage led me to an article that occurred a couple of years ago that caused me to once again reflect about our American soul https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/15/us/paris-davis-medal-of-honor.html However, the article also caused me to come to the realization that the Waugh obituary was in error because it was only last month th...