A00148 - A Surprising Connection to Our American Soul


I rarely pay attention to the passing of obscure military figures.  However, for some reason, the passing of Billy Waugh caught my eye


I got halfway through the obituary when I came to this passage

He was saved by two soldiers, one of them his commander, Capt. Paris Davis. Despite his own gunshot wounds, to an arm and a leg, Captain Davis helped Mr. Waugh crawl to a helicopter.
Those actions by Captain Davis earned him the Medal of Honor, which was belatedly presented to him by President Biden in 2021. Mr. Waugh received the Silver Star.

and the link contained within the passage led me to an article that occurred a couple of years ago that caused me to once again reflect about our American soul

However, the article also caused me to come to the realization that the Waugh obituary was in error because it was only last month that Captain Davis was actually presented with his medal


Watching the news program last month about what had happened with Captain Davis caused me to ponder in sadness about how long it sometimes takes for justice to prevail.  Perhaps with the obituary of Billy Waugh, we can all  ponder on the state of our American soul together.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California 
April 18, 2023


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