A00152 - Elza Soares, The Brazilian Voice of the Millennium

In my slow march through history, every once in a while, I stumble upon a life story that simply is stunning to behold.  Such is the case of the life story of Elza Soares

Elza Soares - Wikipedia

the woman who overcame being made a bride at the age of 12 and a widow with five children at the age of 21 to become a celebrated singer who, in 1999, was deemed to be the Voice of the Millennium by the BBC

Elza Soares, the voice of the millenium (pan-african-music.com)

Until yesterday, I had never heard of Elza Soares.  But now, I want to read more

and even more importantly I want hear more

Elza Soares - Mulher do Fim do Mundo (Clipe Oficial) - YouTube

Perhaps, you may want to read and hear more as well.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
May 10, 2023


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