A00154 - The Greatest Movie of All Time: "Citizen Kane", Yes, But Behold "In the Mood for Love"

 I watched "In the Mood for Love" this morning on HBO Max

In the Mood for Love - Wikipedia

and found it to be an exquisite film about unrequited love.  After my last post, I reconsidered Citizen Kane and reinstated it as my No. 1 Greatest Movie of All Time.  It's impact and cultural significance is simply too immense to place it anywhere else but at No. 1.  So, Tokyo Story is now my No. 2 film but, based on my viewing of In the Mood for Love, I must admit that these two movies are now tied. Accordingly, my evolving list of the 100 Greatest Movies now reads as follows: 

1. Citizen Kane
2. Tokyo Story and In the Mood for Love
4. Vertigo
5. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Qual du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

Next up is 2001: A Space Odyssey,

a movie I have not seen in over 40 years.  I shall be curious to see how the movie holds up especially in light of the recent controversy surrounding the rapid advancement of AI and the implications that it has for the future viability of mankind.

Perhaps it is time to be reintroduced to HAL and to contemplate how our future may indeed have been foretold in the past.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
May 14, 2023


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