A00159 - Book of the Month for the Month of June 2023: Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

On my slow journey through Black History, I have now reached a "bump" that is causing me to stop and pull off to the side of the road.  The "bump" is the biography of one Thomas Sowell

and what causes me to pull off to the side of the road is a consideration of a Thomas Sowell book recommended by one of my Amherst College classmates entitled Black Rednecks and White Liberals

In reading the Wikipedia bio for Thomas Sowell, it appears that his brief stint at Amherst College in the late 1970s was one of the main reasons that he decided to abandon his academic teaching career.  Given all this, I am pausing in the month of June 2023 to read Black Rednecks and White Liberals, my Book of the Month for the Month of June 2023 to see if the Amherst men and women of the late 1970s performed the world a great service in helping to end Mr. Sowell's teaching career.

Y'all are welcome to join me.  Perhaps, by reading Professor Sowell's book, we all may experience a different kind of "awe".


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
June 11, 2023



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