A00238 - Goree Carter, The Forefather of Rock and Roll


As I continue my march through 1930, I came across an unknown (to me) singer by the name of Goree Carter

In reading about this native of Houston, Texas, and his recording "Rock Awhile", I was shaken. Contrary, to Marty McFly in "Back to the Future" and contrary to the assertions of Ike Turner with his 1951 recording of "Rocket 88", it is Goree Carter's 1949 recording of "Rock Awhile" which seems to be the best candidate for being the first Rock and Roll recording.  Please listen to the song and, perhaps, join me in sending a letter to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to recognize Goree Carter on this 75th anniversary year of the song he created that gave birth to Rock and Roll.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
February 21, 2024


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