A00287 - Track and Field Heaven

 One of my bucket list items was to attend an Olympic Track and Field Trials competition at the Track and Field Mecca known as Hayward Field.  This weekend I decided to fulfill this bucket list item by traveling first to Portland and then driving to Eugene for the final two days of the 2024 Olympic Track and Field Trials.

For me, entering Hayward Field was like going to Heaven.  It is a beautiful facility, and the track and field fans are superb.  For the two days, the participation of the fans seemed to propel the athletes to new personal and meet record bests.  It was a remarkable display of track and field prowess from across the country.  Amazing!

Today, I had to pay extra because I wanted a good seat near the finish line so that I could see how the races would end.  I made the right choice.  There were quite a few thrilling races.  Both the Men's 5000 Meter race and the Women's 1500 Meter race were decided by full out sprints to the finish line.  Quite thrilling!

The person who sat next to me was an Israeli from Dallas, Texas, who was as enthusiastic and knowledgeable a track and field as I am.  It seemed rather appropriate that in Track and Field Heaven, he and I could enjoy the day and the company without any consideration about what was occurring in the World outside.  I was able to tell him about the remarkable story of my high school track coach, Len Miller, and the impact he had on my life, and I was even able to tell him about the greatest high jumper in Jewish history, my old nemesis, Dwight Stones, the former world record holder and current lead commentator for NCAA Track and Field championships. However, more importantly, we were just able to enjoy each other's commentaries about the various athletes and their performances.  It was a beautiful day and a beautiful time.  And then to top off everything, for the last event, and for the last race of the day, this happened   


This weekend was Track and Field Heaven!

Thank God!  It was marvelous!


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Wilsonville, Oregon
June 30, 2024


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