A00320 - Book of the Month for the Month of September 2024: The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

 For the month of August 2024, I read The Truth About Tesla: The Myth of the Lone Genius in the History of Innovation. As the back cover says, 

"Forget everything you think you know about the "father of electricity."  In this new, revealing analysis of Nikola Tesla's life, Christopher Cooper uncovers beguiling sagas and curious inconsistencies in the history of the man credited with inventing everything from alternating current to radar.  Along the way, he explores serious questions about how conventional history has created a mythology of the lone inventor striving against society to generate a truly singular idea."

It appears that in the world of patents, it is not always who gets there first but rather who gets there with the richest backers that matters most.  At least, that was the case underlying many of the "inventions" attributed to Nikola Tesla.

For the month of September 2024, I am reading The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. I am reading this book because I got a crown replaced in July.  During the visit to my dentist's office, I engaged in a conversation with my new dentist.  Her last name was Singh and I inquired whether she was Sikh. I noted my familiarity with many religions including some of the work of Guru Nanak 

the founder of the Sikh faith. She told me that she was indeed raised Sikh but had married a Christian and was now exploring new religious messages.  Some of the religious messages that resonated with her were those she was listening to on an audiobook entitled The Seat of the Soul.  Since my mouth was not able to function properly while she was probing it to replace my crown, we were not able to fully finish our conversation.  But she had piqued my interest.  So after the appointment, I went to Barnes and Noble and purchased a copy The Seat of the Soul.

Based on the preliminaries, The Seat of the Soul appears to be a favorite of both Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou.  Both wrote prefaces for the book, and Gary Zukav was apparently Oprah's favorite guest on her show.  He appeared on her show 36 times.

The back cover of the book says, 

"The Seat of the Soul will change the way you see the world, interact with other people, and understand your actions and motivations.  Gary Zukav takes you on a thrilling tour of the new human evolution, requiring each of us to make the values of the soul our own: harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life.  Using his scientist's eye and philosopher's heart, Zukav shows you how to contribute fully to this evolution and infuse your everyday activities with meaning and purpose."

This book was published in1989 and Gary Zukav appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show some 36 times. However, based on my perception of current events in the world, I do not see concrete evidence of the "new human evolution" that Zukav prophesied.   Nevertheless, this is the 35th anniversary year of the book, so I shall read it to see what it says and maybe to ascertain where the "new human evolution" has gone astray.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California
September 5, 2024


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