A00338 - The Wandering Day

For the Indigenous People holiday, I went to visit my daughter and her new husband in their new hometown of Post Falls, Idaho.  Driving from the Spokane Airport along I-90, I recalled so vividly how just nine years ago, we had traveled this road from Montana to begin a new life in Spokane. There was no job waiting for her and she knew no one there.  But she had her ttwo dogs and she had her two diplomas, so she did not have nothing.  

Now, nine years later, she had a new husband, a third diploma, a house in Spokane and a new house in Post Falls.  It simply amazed me to remember those times from nine years ago to the time of today and I could onlly marvel at how God sometimes does do some wondrous things.

I do not have much money.  I do not have great fame.  But being with my daughter and her husband over the weekend as we all three dined at two great restaurants in next door Coeur d'Alene and as her husband and I played the Highlands Golf Course in Post Falls, made me so happy.  You see, nine years ago we wandered into Spokane, but over the weekend, we were shown that we were not lost.

Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Fairfield, California 
October 17, 2024


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