A00341 - Special Thank Yous for the Correspondence Concerning Clarence Chambers (Amherst College Class of 1930)

 I want to thank Cuthbert Simpkins (Class of 1967), Junius Williams (Class of 1965) and Andy Balder (Class of 1975) for their enthusiastic correspondence concerning Clarence Chambers (Class of 1930).  Your thoughts were much appreciated.  

However, a special thank you go out to Fred Gregory (Class of 1962) who noted that the Douglass High School in Baltimore during the 1920s was almost as illustrious as Dunbar High School in Washington, D. C.  Please look at

and note that one of the graduates of Douglass High School was Thurgood Marshall.  Marshall graduated in 1925 the year before Chambers graduated. 

However, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Chambers were only two of the notable alumni of the school. 
Imagine the full range of intellectual possibilities at such a school at such a time. Just imagine.  

Sadly, as Dr. Gregory notes, Douglass, like Dunbar, has suffered a serious decline since those glory years. 

Finally, one of the more touching notes came from Jack Hailey (Class of 1967) who wrote:

At Applewood, Chambers became a friend of Joe and Dot Gavin, the parents of Tay (Mt Holyoke '69) and the in-laws of Peter Erickson  (Amherst '67). Dot just celebrated her 103rd birthday.

Sometimes the connections between people form an amazing web that can of itself bind us all together as one.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Class of 1975 
Fairfield, California
October 24. 2024

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From: skipjen2865@aol.com <skipjen2865@aol.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 05:24:28 AM PDT
Subject: Joseph Clarence Chambers, Jr., Amherst College Class of 1930, First African American Medical Superintendent of New York City Hospital System

The next two names on my Memorial List are David Willis Utz and George Costin Williams, both of the Amherst College Class of 1929.  Unfortunately, aside from the fact that both gentlemen were from the illustrious Dunbar High School and that George Williams majored in German and History, nothing more is known about either gentleman.  If anyone has any recollection of these individuals, please let me know so that I can update the College's information.

After leaving the members of the Class of 1929, I arrive at the lone African American member of the Class of 1930, Joseph Clarence Chambers, Jr.  Clarence, as he preferred to be called, did leave a mark on this world. Set forth below is the In Memory piece written by his nephew upon his passing in 2006 at the age of 96. Please note that unlike other African Americans during that time who usually came to Amherst a year or two older than their classmates, it appears that Clarence was barely 16 years old when he matriculated at the College on the Hill. But his age does not appear to have been an impediment.  He graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa at the tender age of 19.

I leave you to read his nephew's comments at your leisure.  However, I do encourage you all to listen to his All-American Suite for Two Pianos that can be found by clicking on the link located at

and to reflect on a remarkable life that was and a wonderful legacy that is.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Class of 1975


Joseph Clarence Chambers, Jr. 

Class of 1930


Deceased November 3, 2006

In Memory

Dr. J. Clarence Chambers, Jr., retired general medical superintendent of the New York City hospital system, died Nov. 3, 2006, in Amherst, MA, of respiratory failure.  Born in Baltimore on September 4, 1910, to J. Clarence Chambers, Sr. and Alice Wilson Chambers, Dr. Chambers was salutatorian of the Douglass High School Class of 1926.  That fall he entered Amherst College at a time when students still hauled their own water and firewood to the dormitories.  While at Amherst, he served as the rehearsal pianist for operetta performances of the music department.  Graduating magna cum laude and a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1930, he was Amherst’s first recipient of a John Woodruff Simpson Fellowship in medicine for study at Columbia Univ. College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Graduating from Columbia in 1934, he interned at Harlem Hospital.  He also found time to study music theory and composition at New York Univ., the Julliard School, and privately with Roy Harris.  His numerous instrumental and vocal compositions were performed here and abroad.  His All American Suite for Two Pianos, performed by renowned dual pianists Jose and Amparo Iturbi, was recorded by RCA Victor.  All American inspired Bloomingdale’s to produce a well-received decorator’s “suite” of rooms that reflected the music.

Dr. Chambers served as admitting physician and night administrator at Harlem Hospital.  In 1941 he was honorably discharged from the Army Medical Corps Reserve as a captain and was appointed deputy medical superintendent.  He was the first African-American to attain such a position in New York.  By 1951, then acting superintendent of three hospitals, he received charge of the James Ewing Cancer Hospital.  In 1955, he was appointed general medical superintendent of the Department of Hospitals.  Before retiring in 1970, he was cofounder and secretary of the New York Blood Center.  In 1980, Dr. Chambers received an honorary doctorate from Amherst.  Despite his many accomplishments, Dr. Chambers lived modestly and never bothered to frame any of his degrees and awards.

Besides music, Dr. Chambers enjoyed electric trains (both real and model) and worldwide travel (the films and videos of which he shared with family on visits home).  In 1991, he moved to Applewood, a retirement community near his beloved Amherst.

Dr. Chambers is survived by a nephew, Osborne B. Dixon, Jr. and his wife, Veronica; a grandniece, Carol Dixon; as well as a cousin, Jewel Chambers (all of Baltimore).  He is also survived by two goddaughters, Paula and Vaar Schjelderup; and a lifelong friend, Anne Brown, of Oslo, Norway.

Osborne Dixon Jr.


Chambers All American (A Satirical Suite for Two Pianos), played by Jose and Amparo Iturbi (1950) (youtube.com)



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